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7 49 Meadow, sir Philip, sent to sign the treaty between Sweden and Poland 2 Apr 1658 Secretary Thurloe to Mr. Downing, resident in Holland.

I pray uncipher this with your owne hand.

Vol. lviii. p. 177.

I received yours of the first instant by an expresse from Yarmouth upon tuesday last; yours by the post, of the fifth, yesterday; and that by lieutenant-colonel Bedles of the 4th, just now; as also another dispatch with some paper, and a letter to your lady; but I do not yet heare any thing of the admirall's cornett; when I doe, your desires shall be comply'd with: and I doe not observe, that there is much in any of those letters, which require new directions, my former haveing lett you know his highnesses sence upon most of the particulars you mention, unlesse there be any thing in cyphers in the letters brought by Bedles, which I shall not have tyme to open before the post goes; if there be, I must deferr the answere thereto till the next oppertunitye. The more I think of the business of Portugall, the better I am satisfied with what I writ you by the last upon that subject; for seeing the Dutch designe soe much to the eastward, wee have no reason to be over-jealous to accomodate their affairs for them at Portugall, which certainly a peace there will very much doe, or a cessation of arms, and you are to steere yourself accordingly in your negotiation about that buisnesse, as I writ more fully by my last.

It's resolved to send Mr. Meadowes to the treaty between the kings of Sweden and Poland, and accordingly he is directed to hasten to Hamborough, where instructions shall meet him. M.G. Jephson, at his most earnest request, is to returne home; but we cannot here resolve so soone, to send one to the elector of Brandenburgh; nor doe the Sweadish ministers here speak of it at all. I pray, mention not that Mr. Meadowes is the man to be sent to the treaty aforesaid. It is very considerable, that the lights in the Sound are in the power of the Swedes. I pray be informed what the Dutch intend to doe about it.

My meaneinge was not, that you should presse too much upon Port-William, but only to cherish the correspondence, and that too with as little obstination as is possible; but a letter to him I cannot yet send you for divers very considerable reasons; however, doe not put them out of the hopes of one, but rather that they may expect it. I will be sure to keep this correspondence with you as a great secret. I much wonder, that the soldiers are still sent for Denmarke. I cannot immagine what the Dane should doe with them. I shall not need to desire you to be very vigilant about the designe of their fleete, and of the just time when they will be ready. I pray returne all kindnesse to the resident of Denmarke, and assure him, that his highnes desires not only a good correspondence with him, but a further intimacy; and that he may expect from him whatever he expected from the nearest ally. I writ to you twice or thrice about caryinge a considerable correspondence in Flanders, both with the Spaniards and Charles Stuart, thinking you might have an oppertunitye for it where you are. I shall not stand for any sume of mony, if it be sure and good. I earnestly intreat you to bestow some of your thought and pains about it. It seemes the great noise of the confusions and troubles are not yet over. I trust there is lesse ground for them every day then other. I sent you by the last a copye of the petition from the officers here to his highness, and all the army in Scotland here addresse by single regiments, in as affectionate terms as can be well thought of. Herewith comes a copye of an address from the army in Ireland. By all this sure it is evident, that the armyes are not disatisfyed with his highnesses conduct, or in any danger to desert him; and all this was most voluntary, ariseing ex mero motu; and this will confute the doctrine, which Nieuport distills so industriously, and somewhat lessen the credit of his correspondence. I knowe whom he conversed with there, and they are discontented people, and such as were for Charles Stuart, or Levellers, and he understood nothing from any good hands; and this you may assure them, with whom you have any confident communication; and that whatever they build upon his information, they will be deceived in. If you could get a considerable person of the cavaler party to engage in a corespondence, that now is or may come into Holland, the better to colour it, wee might demand him of the states, in pursuance of the treatyes.

Besides these particulars from the army, a great part of England, and all Ireland, desire to make the same addresses; so that if the caveler will returne, I suppose they will finde enough about his ears, and most of all, if Charles comes from Ostend, which I believe they have now little heart to doe, our shipps have kept them in so longe, that their seamen run away, and many of their foot; besides, their campane drawes soe near, and the 3000 men expected from Biscay not being come, that the Spaniard will scarce be in a condition to spare his infantry.

Our men at Mardike are in a very good condition, and long to be in action. The treaty is renewed betweene us and the French for the next campaigne. I pray enquire with all diligence, whether the Dutch will meddle in the business of Flanders, yea or not. I am informed that there has been a trety betweene the Dutch and Charles Stuart about transporting his men into England with their fleete; and that Charles Stuart hath offered them Jutland in some of the Scotch islands for that service. Whether the treaty was with any of the states generall, or Amsterdam, I know not; but it was, as I believe, with some of them. I pray enquire into it by such secret means as you can.

I perceive you give Hesdin for lost to the Spaniard; I think it in very great danger; but our last letters say, that there was some hopes of it still. The wise and children of the governor are made close prisoners in Paris, which is noe very good signe; but yet 'tis said, that soe much is obteyned from the governor, that Hocquincourt shall not be received into it upon his returne from Brussels. This designe was layd much further then this: some other townes and whole provinces should have revolted, and a generall insurection was designed, as in England by the influence of Swed and the Spaniard; but it is defeated, and the deserted party reconsiled. This I assure you is very true; so that if Flanders was to be saved this yeare by these designs, I suppose it may be in some danger. Mr. Crooke delivered me a letter from the states general to H. H. demanding the ships of Van d'est to be restored without delay, whereat I was somewhat surprised, considering what you have represented to them in that business. I shall remember to prepare something in answere thereto, by the next, to be sent to you.

The answere they gave you about Tysen is a very slovingly one, and makes it an impossible thing for any state, with whom they were in amity, to expect performance of any treaty from them.

I shall not faile to have a ship ready for your lady, and to doe her all the service I am am able for her accomodation in her journey to you; and this is all I have to trouble you with, and rest,

Whitehall, 2. Aprill, 1658.

Your most humble and faithful servant.

If you charge your bills upon Mr. Noell for money, they will be answered.

62 Ordered to go to Bromburgh. 9 Apr 1658 Secretary Thurloe to Mr. Downing, the English resident in Holland.

I pray uncypher this yourself.

In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great-Britain.

I see by yours of the 12/2. of April, received this post, that the Dutch are angrye about Portugall prizes; as alsoe, what answere they give to your demaunds of justice upon Van-diest and Thysen; and that they doe in every thinge carrye themselves, as if they sought an occasion of quarrell. As for the prizes, I am sure we have done nothinge yet in that bussines, either against the treaty, or the lawes of nations. The ships were arrested by our owne people, and the question was, wheither the justice of their dema nd should be tryed in the admiraltye court here, or in that of Holland; and our lawyers say, unquestionably here, and offer to defend it; and this is the bottom of this controversy, and there is noe more in it. Their helpinge the Spanyard, as they doe upon all occasions, is of greater consequence by farre; and the answeres they give are worse than the things, which shewes, that they will neither doe right in what is past, nor give hope of redresse for the future. And truly, I hope that their great fleets shall not either make us satisfied with what they doe injuriously towards us, nor extort from us what is unreasonable. They shall, by the next, have the positive answere of his highnesse to the Portugall prizes, which will be just and friendly; and then let them take what measures they please.

Major-general Jephson hath orders in his returne to goe to Berlyn, upon the points you mention; and this day instructions goes by an expresse to Mr. Meadowes to repaire to Bromeburgh; and I desire you to informe yourselfe, how that treaty proceedes, which you will have opportunity to doe from the Polish agent at the Hague, who, I perceive, hath visited you; and it's good to meinteyne a faire correspondence with hym. Mr. Meadowes hath a letter credentiall to the kinge, and orders to offer his highnesse mediation to him betweene him and Sweden. And some doubt hath beene made here, wheither the kinge of Poland may not put some affront upon Meadowes, there haveinge past severall letters betweene him and Charles Stewart, by the name of kinge of Great-Brittaine. It would be well to feele the resident about it; as alsoe, wheither it be likelye, that the mediation will be accepted. There is a very good correspondence betweene France and Poland, and the French ambassador may be of use to you therein; and, as you can understand any thinge certayne, I desire you to comunicate it, not only to me, but to Mr. Meadowes, who, I suppose, is now or will shortly be at Hamborough.

The enclosed letter came by chance to my hand. It was intended for Hide at Brussells. It's probable he, that writes it, may be heard of at the Hague; and that you may finde meanes to understand more of it, and what isle it is he makes mention of. And you may alsoe possiblye learne many other thinges from hym, he beinge one, it seemes, that they correspond with, and his sonne one of their agents here.

I desire you againe to trye the layinge a good correspondence in Flanders. I would give some 1000 l. soe that it were neare and intimate.

I pray informe yourselfe what strength de Ruyter's ships are of, wheither they are bound, and when the rest of their fleet will be ready, and what their number and strength will certeinely be. They say 48 sayle will be all, and that they will be divided into 3 squadrons, one for the Mediterranean, one for the coast of Portugall, and another for the channell. I wonder that none should be designed for the Baltique sea. It is good to cherish a good understandinge with Zealand; and for theire sakes all shall be done, which is possible in your bussines of the prizes.

I pray be a little curious, to knowe what the fleet bound for Spayne carries, both the merchant-men and their convoy.

I know not what to say to you about Neiuport's present. You must doe therein, as you finde it necessary upon the place. It is best to give it him, if he will receive it.

I heare nothinge yet of the lord Opdam's trumpeter, nor of the letter you gave hym to bringe to me.

I doe beleeve our enemyes in Flanders did designe upon Yarmouth; but I thinke they are under some discouragement for the present, and by agreement together have put of their attempt untill September, and soe they have their insurrection here; but however their partye here, those of them that are considerable, shall be all secured, and it is now under consideration what shall be done with that whole partye; for we must not alwayes be at this pass with them. It hath pleased God to give us great light into their affaires and designes, both as to persons and thinges. One doctor Hewett, a great man for them, and one that influenced very much the royall party in the citty by his preachinge at St. Gregorye's, was yesterday sent to the Tower, and the evidence against him is most cleare.

I doe not yet heare of your ladye's goeinge. When shee desires, shee shall not want a ship, nor ought else, that I can furnish her with for her accomodation. I rest

Whitehall, 9th Aprill, 1658.

Your most affectionate friend,
and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.


Secretary Thurloe to major-general Jephson.

Vol. lviii. p. 315.

I shall be very shortt by this, because I intend to send an expresse to Hamborough, by the convoy of the cloth-ships, which only stayes for a wynde, and by him I shall be more large and particuler; only I shall add this to what I sayd about your goinge to the elector of Brandenburgh, that it is of absolute necessity you goe with what speed it is possible, and in particular to deale with him about the election of the emperor, giving him those reasons, which are very obvious, how dangerous it will be for the protestant interest, for him to give his voice for the kinge of Hungary, and to endeavour to bringe him of from any resolutions of that kinde.

The enemie, by our fleet's lyinge upon the coast of Flanders, is much discouraged in their intended invasion, and by consequence their friends here, in their insurrections, and are now changinge their counsells, as to another tyme. I hope wee shall be able to doe somthinge in the meane time, which may be segnificant towards the preventinge thereof. Wee have noe newes at all. I rest

Whitehall, 9. Apr. 1658.

Your most humble and faithfull servant.

I have received yours of the 30th of March

63, 64 Commission to the king of Sweden. 9 Apr 1658 Instructions to Philip Meadows, our envoy extraordinary to his majesty of Sweden.

Vol. lviii. p. 385.

We having had experience of your fidelity and sufficiency, as in other affairs, so in the late mediation between Sweden and Denmark; being willing further to manifest the trust which we repose in you, and having recalled you from your late employment so happily concluded, and directed you to come to Hamburgh, where you might attend further pleasure, and the necessary dispatches, have resolved to send you to the king of Sweden, and from thence to the intended treaty at Braunsberg.

1. You are therefore, upon the receipt of these, with your best opportunity, to repair to the king of Sweden, to reside with him in the quality of envoy extraordinary, majorgeneral Jephson being remanded.

2. And being arrived with him, you are to deliver your credentials, and perform the usual offers of civility and nearest correspondence from us, upon the same foundations, and in the same foot-steps, which have been gone upon hitherto; and so from thenceforth to act in your trust, according to the orders, which you shall from time to time receive from hence, and conformably to the emergencies in those parts.

3. And forasmuch as we understand, that there is a treaty of peace between Sweden and Poland, to be held at Braunsberg in Prussia, and moreover, that the French and states general are received, or probably to be so, for mediators therein; you are therefore timely to inform yourself concerning it.

4. And in case that treaty hold, you are then to deliver the other letter to the king of Sweden, which concerns that peace, and not otherwise; and to communicate with him in confidence thereupon, letting him know, that as well his affairs, as those which relate to the common interest of the protestants, moved us thereunto; and that your instructions are to square yourself in this negotiation, according to his advice.

5. Besides these considerations, which we lay much to heart, the interest of commerce and navigation, in reference to this state, would in no case suffer us to let pass so notable a meeting without some of our public ministers there; and we can never interpose therein with greater dignity than in the way of mediation.

6. And to the said purpose you are to let the king of Sweden know also that we will in this mediation manifest ourself a firm, and true, and faithful ally to him. And as to his retaining of Prussia, you are very well to understand the mind of the king of Sweden; and in case you find him fixed thereupon, you shall then endeavour in the treaty, (yet with that circumspection and prudence, that becomes a mediator) that Prussia may be quitted to him by the king of Poland; and to that purpose to endeavour, with all befitting warmness, to incline the ministers of the states general thereunto, who are most likely to oppose it upon the interest of trade, to satisfy them, you may procure such assurance from the king of Sweden in that of trade, in reference to him and that state, as may remove that difficulty.

7. Having obtained the king of Sweden's answer and acceptance of this mediation, you are thence to repair to the king of Poland, proffering the same office to him.

8. But in case you understand, before you come to him, that they will punctiliate with you, denying those respects, which have been formerly rendered to this nation in their ministers, or that you find it so upon the place, you are then to forbear, unless they yield and accommodate themselves.

9. And in case the said mediation be accepted by both the said kings, you are then to repair to Braunsburgh, or any other place, where that treaty shall be; and use your endeayours to accommodate and bring to effect the treaty upon the grounds laid down in these instructions.

10. But in case the king of Poland should not accept our mediation, you are then to advise upon the place, how to behave yourself, whether to be upon the place or not; however, you are to give all the countenance you can to the affairs of Sweden, and to the cementing him with the Protestant interest; and to take care, that nothing be negotiated between the said two kings to the prejudice and disadvantage of this state, either in honour, trade or commerce, but that on the contrary they be provided for.

11. To the marquis of Brandenburgh you are next to address yourself, either in person, or by his ministers, as your business, time, or the place will bear it; and to offer to him all good offices for his interest in this treaty; and you shall use your best endeavours above all things, to reunite the king of Sweden and the elector of Brandenburgh.

12. To the prince of Transylvania, whose ministers will doubtless be there, you are to send our letter, and correspond with his ministers, and with whomsoever else, for his establishment and security.

13. If there be any from the duke of Muscovia, you are to take your measures from the king of Sweden.

14. With the French ministers, and those of the states general, to hold up all good intelligence and correspondence.

15. With those of Dantzick, to move according to the greater interest.

16. And as to the matter of commerce, you are not to be wanting there, to inform yourself therein; and to provide for the same, and the interest of the state therein, as far as you shall have opportunity.

17. One thing you are both with the king of Sweden, if it were needful, and with the king of Poland, to insist especially upon, that is, upon the exclusion of the house of Austria wholly out of this treaty; and joining yourself with those, which are of the same sense in that particular, to make your party as strong as may be, using therein such mediums as are most proper, and least observable, unless you find a public owning thereof to be necessary and most effectual.

18. Concerning all the proceedings of your negotiation herein, and all other occurrences of state incident into your observation, you are to give, from time to time, the most exact account to ourself, or our principal secretary of state, from whom you shall receive our further pleasure.

9th April, 1658.

201, 211 Goes to him at Kiel. 27 Jun 1658 Intelligence.

Hamburgh, July 5. 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lix. p. 229.

My Lord,
For news here is little. The king is at Kiel; it is thought the army will break up suddenly; in two or three days here will be in print a declaration from the king.

This day Sir Phil. Meadowes took his journey for Kiele. Major general Jephson is expected here in 8 or 10 days. Here is a frigat come to carry him home.

The syndic of this town, Dr. Peterson, being dead at London, another agent will be sent thither suddenly.


Major general Jephson to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lix. p. 254.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

I have not much to trouble you withall this weeke, save some little intelligence which I have gained since my comming hither, which was but the last night; nevertheless I got an opportunitye to speake with count Slippenback, of whose interest in the king's counsells and affection, I have formerly given you notice. The chiefe reason, which made me soe earnest to speake with him soe late at night, was, that I might be able to give you some account of the soe suddaine departure of the elector of Brandenburgh's embassadours from this court, which hee told mee was upon this occasion: The king desired to know their power, whether they were fully authoriz'd to conclude a peace with him in the behalfe of their master; and desired, that if they thought not fitt to shew their power to him, or some of his councill, it might (at least) bee done to some indifferent persons, proposing the ministers of some of the princes of the empire, which were here present. This they did not accept of; whereupon the king sent them word, that hee had now reason to beleeve what hee had formerlye heard, that their commission was only to propose the elector of Brandenburgh's mediation for a peace betwixt him and the K. of Poland, which I hear the king of Suede tooke in great indignation, and sent them word, that hee very much wondered, how their master could believe, that hee would accept of him for a mediator, who had made himselfe a party, not only by a treatye, but by sending part of his forces to joyne against him in Prussia; but that if the elector had a desire to treate with him, particularlye for the re-establishment of a good correspondence betwixt them two, hee was ready to accept it. Hereupon they left this place, much discontented. Some say they intend to goe noe farther than Hamburgh, there to expect a farther power: others thinke that el. of Brand. is so e n g a g e d to k.of Poland, and h. of Austria, (with whom I heare certaynlye that he hath r a t i f i e d a strict a l l i a n c e since my being there) that this is no other than he e x p e c t e d and desired. For my owne part, I am still of my old opinion, that no thing will make them f r i e n d s b u t the approach of the to his c o u n t r y, which I doe still both hope and believe will bring it to passe. I doe not beleeve you will heare of any greate store of action in these parts, before the corne bee ripe; for the country people run all away from their houses upon the approach of an armye, and at this time of the yeare leave nothing behind them; so that I conceyve it impossible for an army to goe through with any considerable designe, untill there bee sufficient provision in the field both for bread and provinder. Sir Phillip Meadowe is not yett come hither, but I expect him every houre. I hope to-morrow to have audience, and shall doe the best I can in the particulars committed to my charge by your letters, whereof I hope to give you some account by my next from some place inclining towards England. If I find not a ship at my return to Hamburgh, (which I am confident will bee the next weeke) you will heare of mee goeing towards Holland, which I shall bee very sorry for, both for mine owne losse of time, and your charge. In the meane time, I shall only kisse your hands, and remaine

Flensburgh, 27th June, 1658.

Your faythfull and affectionate humble servant,
W. Jephson.

265 Arrival at Oldenstow. 13 Jul 1658 A letter of intelligence to secretary Thurloe.

From Hamburg the 13. July, 1658.

Vol. lx. p. 22.

His majesty of Sweden is come yesterday to Oldensloe, a little towne about five miles from hence, where he intends to stay a fortnight. The two English embassadors, Sir Philipp Meadowe, and major-generall Jephson, are there at present, with the king of Sweden: the one is taking leave of his majestie for to returne into England, and is expected here everie day for to be one with the French of late come here; the other is conferring with the king concerning his commission sent unto him of late from his highness out of England.

This day morning is arrived at Oldensloe the French embassador, monsieur de l'Umbre, out of Poland, bringing from thence new propositions of peace from the king of Poland to the king of Sweden; for within six weeks before the great parliament in Poland be ended, (not extending it longer, according to the Polish law, above 6 weekes) there must be peace made, or none at all. It happened well, and is verie much à-propo, that Monsieur De l'Umbre hath mett at Oldensloe with the English ambassadour, Sir Philipp Meadowe; it is a fair oppertunity for them both to conserr together about peace betwixt the king of Sweden and Poland; for the time urges the king of Poland, either to make peace with the Swede or the Muscoviter.

The French embassader, Monsieur le chevalier de Terlon, remains yet in Denmark, because of some differences betwixt the two Northern kings, concerning something in the articles of peace; and till it be done, the king of Sweden will not evacuate the towne Fredericksode, notwithstanding the king of Dennemark hath evacuated Brehmer Vohrde.

Letters from Riga by the last post mention, that a Swedish party, strong 2000 horse, went out for to pillage in Sameyten above 12 miles; and because they found no resistance there, they took in the country above 3000 cattle beside the horses, and brought them to Riga; and if the Lithuanians doe not provide in time to defend this province, they are neare to loose it.

The Polish generall of Lithuania, called Gonsiewsky, hath written of late to prince Radtzivill, that the commissaryes of the Muscovites are come to Wilna (the metropolis of Lithuania) with 30000 men; and not finding there the Polish commissarys according to promise, they was very much displeased; and therefore sent for the Polish generall Gonsiewsky for to come to Wilna, where he cannot but expect a great reproach from the Muscoviter.

Letters by the last post from Mittau in Curland mention, that there is held a general meeting of all the nobility in Curland to consult for the security of their country, as also concerning the demand of the king of Sweden, who demands from the duke of Curland a great summe of money, and provision for the new Swedish army in Livonie. It's feared the duke cannot denye him his demand, for to avoid great trouble. There is in Lithuania, and round about, great feare of the Swedes, because there are great forces coming on to Riga; and field-marshall Duglass is daily expected there. Concerning the treaty between the king of Sweden and the Muscoviter, there is no certainty of it yet; except the cessation of hostility betwixt them, there is nothing more yet about the treatie; neither are the Swedish embassadors yet returned out of Musco into Livonie, that it may be seen they are at libertye.

The French envoye, Monsieur de Minieres, being sent from the king of France, to offer his mediation to the great duke of Musco, betwixt him and the king of Sweden, is arrived at Narva; from thence he is come up to Musco: we shall soon hear, if the Muscoviter will accept the offer of the French mediation or not.

The Swedish resident, Monsieur Wolffsberg, hath upon order of his master retired him from Berlin, the duke of Brandenburg his court, and is gone from thence; so that nothing but hostility is to be expected.

From Danzig, letters of the 17th of July by the last post mention, that the Swedes have plundered Curland near to the walls of Mittau, and since are fallen into Samoyten, and plundered also there.

The duke of Brandenburgh doth garrison Dirshau and Mere upon the Missett, and suffers no amunition to pass the Pillow's-port for Elbing. A rupture is feared suddenly betwixt the Swede and him.

The lords of the citty of Danzig are to go to the parliament in Poland now houlden. Thorn is belaguered by the Poles and the Austrians: the Austrian generall Susa desires canon and balls from the citty to force Thorn with; and the Poles desire from the sayd towne provision for 2000 men for to keep and watch the sea-coast, that the Swedes may not land.

Just at the conclusion of our letters, there comes newes from Frankfort by an express, that the king of Hungaria is chose a Roman emperor; the certainty of this newes we expect to hear from thence to-morrow by the post.

338 Takes his leave of the king. 27 Aug 1658 Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p.394

Honourable Sir,
Haveing notice, that there are some ships, which are ready to goe from Amsterdam to London, I thought it my duty, especially upon such an occasion as this, to omit noe possible way of giving you an accompt of the great and unexpected newes, which hee have heere of the king of Sweden's being landed in Zeeland, and marched directly for Copenhagen, the particularities thereof are in the inclosed papers, wherein are copies of all that is as yet come to this place concerning this business; but it's possible their ships may yet bring you farther particularities; for that there will be another post arrived at Amsterdam from Hamburg before their goeing away. All men are heere in a great amaisement, not knowing what to say, or hardly what to think. The letters which bring this newes, are dated at Hamburg 11/21st instant; and I had a letter from Sir Philip Meadowes from Lubeck of the 9/19 instant, wherein he writes me word, that he had taken his leave of the king of Sweden at Kiel on ship-board, and the ke knew not whither he was bound; but that he supposed it was to attempt upon Coleberg belonging to the elector of Brandenburg in Pomerania. Some say, that this invasion of the king of Sweden is by consent of the king of Denmark, to rid him of his rix-rade. Others say, that it is noe more then what they always thought, to wit, that it is to make himself absolute master of the Baltique sea, and thereby to make himself formidable to all, that have to doe at sea. Others, that speake more favourably, say, that undoubtedly the king of Sweden hath found out some under-hand treaty, which the king of Denmark was makeing against him. Yet on the contrary say others, this is hardly imaginable; for that having, in pursuance of the treaty, voluntarily rendered the one half of his kingdom, and the king of Sweden being yet in possession of almost the other half, he would hardly, while in this condition, begin any such thing. Upon the receipt of theis letters, both the states generall and councill of state did assemble, and have ordered all their ships to be brought together to a randzvous as fast as possible; and a letter is written to the states of Holland forthwith to assemble, and to come furnisht with orders in relation to this matter, which so nearly concernes them. I perceive, that the Polish envoye is heartily glad of this news; and it's sayd, that Fricques, the emperor's envoye, is also arrived. I know not what to say further, then that, if it be done, it is the king of Sweden that hath done it. Mons. Appleboom hath noe newes . . . . . . any fore-knowldg of what the king's designe was. Onely the king of Sweden in his last letter to him writes, that he had done very well in pressing the states so positively as he had done in his memoriall of the fifth instant (a coppy whereof I have formerly sent you); and although that it was true, that he had formerly promised to agree to the elucidations of the treaty of Elbing, yet that that was in hopes, that the states would assist him against Denmark; but that they not only not having done that, but instead thereof haveing done him all the mischief they could, that he was resolved, that he would never agree to the elucidations; and that he did not doubt but by this present designe, which he was then undertakeing, to sett such a firme footing, as that they would be glad to deliberate long before they tooke any resolution against him; and that he very well knew it was such a designe, as that he very well knew they would be ready with their utmost to oppose; but that he doubted not to have it past danger of their hurting, before they should be in a capacity to oppose it. All this Mons. Appleboom shewed me in a letter, which he received the last weeke, signed by the king's own hand. I had brought de Witt to that pass, as that he was resolved to have gone this day himself to Amsterdam, to doe his utmost to incline the burgomasters of that place to an entire accomodation with the king of Sweden; but this newes coming hath staid him. The French embassador tells, that Mons. Terlon, who assisted in makeing the peace betweene the king of Sweden and Denmark, is, as he beleeves, gone with the king of Sweden; but by a letter, which he received from him the last post, he writes, that he knew nothing of the designe, but that he supposed it was for Prussia. If the winde had been faire, I was resolved to have sent an express to you; and not more at present, but that I am,
Hague, August 27th, 1658. [N. S.]

Honorable Sir,
Your most faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

514, & seq. Account of the Swedish and Dutch sea-sight. 19-29 Nov 1658 Mr. Downing, the English resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxii.p.295.

Right Honourable,
I Received yours by the last post, whereby I perceive, that you had then received an account from Sir Philip Meadowes of the late fight between the king of Sweden and this state's fleets. Upon tuesday last, and not before, the states general had a letter from admiral Opdam, which came by a galliot dated the 9th instant, which was the day after the fight, and had been ever since at sea upon her way hither, by reason of contrary winds, a copy whereof I have herewith sent you, as also of all such other relations as are come thereof. But the accounts, which we have of that business, do all of them much differ from that of Sir Philip Meadowes, it not being acknowledged, that Opdam hath lost any more ships than that of Witt de Wittens only; but the loss of Witt de Wittens and Peter Floris is much lamented, but especially the loss of Peter Floris, who is judged without doubt to have been the best sea-officer, that this state had; and Opdam's fleet being reinforced by the conjunction of 9 or 10 great Danes ships, a further account is hourly expected of a further attempt upon the rest of the Swedes fleet; and if any considerable part of them be gone into Landsschronen, as it is here said, it is not much doubted here, that admiral Opdam will stop up the mouth of that harbour by sinking some vessels, so that they shall not be able ever to get to sea again; and an account is also now dayly expected of the landing of considerable forces of the elector of Brandenburgh at Copenhagen, and attempting the Swedish forces, which are in that island. De Ruyther hath orders to go to the Sound, and he hath 12 men of war near ready; and it's said, that some 3 or 4 more shall be joined to him, which they hope also to have ready; and there are also 16 great flutes near ready for the transporting the soldiers and provisions. The council of state did send for Mons. Beverward, and some other of the chief officers of the army, that were in town, to have their opinion, whether it were best to send the remaining 4000 men now or in the spring. They gave their opinion, that considering how far the season of the year was advanced, and the want, which was like to be of necessaries for them, how great a weakning 'twould be to their own strength at home, and the impossibility in their opinion of besieging Croningberg castle in this winter time, by reason of the great frosts; that for these, and other reasons, it were best to delay the sending of them until the spring. Yet notwithstanding such is the instance made by the Danish ministers, and such as assist them, that orders were issued out the day before yesterday to all such officers, as were not yet gone, to repair to the rendezvous at Amsterdam; and they are accordingly gone in all haste, and there the soldiers are in boats, not being suffered to come into the town, and in those boats are to be transported thence to the flutes, to the Vlye, and so to the Sound.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

The states general do earnestly press, that part of them 362 120 132 287 467 422 408 468 90 may go for Gluckstad; but the Danish 140 463 35 244 468 260 393 138 60 381 393 141 ministers would have them all go for Zeland; and the 305 558 207 468 truth is, the k. of Denm. hath no need of them at Gluckstad, but the states general have 74 144 463 38 244 468 535 323 in their hands that place and Croningberg castle. 467 120 355 251 207 26 443 393 106 55 231 132 Coilonei Killigrew, that commands 85 351 82 358 55 132 41 160 467 254 90 371 the English, is a desperate cavillier. 56 362 143 64 346 14 263 139 426 437 466 245 514 85 362 286. And so far as I can suppose, notwithstanding all, 324 231 42 106 450 34 these four thousand men will speedily goe, and for Zealand. 279 70 362 314 207 305 558.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

I did last night, as soon as I had my letters, according to what was in yours, forthwith goe to Monsieur Appleboon to desire him to 132 210 154 241 412 477 263 141 70 send an expresse to the king of Sweden to give him notice, that the 477 313 326 394 475 251 477 lord protector's fleet would set saye 289 450 358 about Monday last, 261 356, that so accordingly hee might order his affayres, 416 263 132 327 192 298 71 133 287, which he forthwith did by land; and the lord Nieuport's letters by the former 140 361 141 239 468 305 379 135 post did assure them, that the lord protector's fleet would not go to 358 289 501 395 149 314 477 the Sound, 153 106 35, a copy whereof I have herewith sent you.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

I have herein inclosed to you the resolution of the states general upon my memorial concerning the Postillion, and other English ships, taken coming out of Britain, whereby you will see they have sent it, together with the papers therewith presented to the East India company at Amsterdam, which yet they did not do, till the 395 147 270 475 84 468 certaynety came, how matters had passed 159 371 148 466 133 139 319 24 120 217 141 between their fleet and the king of Sweden; 71 134 48 358 289 207 536; and I believe would not yet have done it, if victory had been total, 72 50 155 335 477 441 319 33 232 477 463 as was expected. 294 426 28 145 279. Some time the beginning of the next week I understand that the deputies of the states do intend to have a conference with me about theis ships; and they say, that much is untrue, that is alledged. I tell them, that enough is too clear, to wit, that the ships were taken merely upon the account of trading with their enemy, and that not in counterbanded goods, and that in places not blocqued up as Cadiz hath been by his late highness, or Lisbon by them; and plainly, that his highness, that now is, is resolved to have reason done him in this business; and that whatever orders or instructions they may think fit to send to their embassador at London, yet that it is in vain for them to expect any issue thereof, until satisfaction be given in this business. I do earnestly also wish, that you would be pleased seriously to take order for the restoring of that ship mentioned in one of mine by the last post, which was taken in open sea by general Penn in the West-Indies. It would stop many mens mouths, and take away the whole cry of that long list of ships said to be wrongfully taken in the est-Indies, whenas in truth, so far as I can understand, all the rest of them were taken actually trading at the Barbadoes, contrary to the law of England. There are several ships come into this country lately from Barbadoes, and one which hath been trading at Jamaica also, whereof I thought it my duty again to give you notice.

The king of France, finding that the prince of Condé's instruments did all make their way out of Flanders into this country, and so hence, for avoiding suspicion, into France, hath given order, that all such Frenchmen as come into France from this country, shall be secured, unless they have the pass of his embassador residing here, which is a great stop to their frequent passage to and from France by this country; and thereby he hath notice of such persons as do pass to and again; and whether such a course might not be of use for you, is worth consideration. This country is but very small, and this the French embassador practiceth constantly.

Three regiments of the elector of Brandenburg's forces are most of them cut off by a sally of the Swedes out of Fredericksode; and some letters say, that the general of the Poles is taken, but that is not certain.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

Just as I am writing hereof, I have received yours of the 16th instant, which you sent me by a man of war; and because it is near the going away of the post, I can only say, that I shall endeavour to observe such instructions as you have therein sent me. I do not yet find, that the French embassador hath yet received such instructions 279 142 153 27 62 as yours mentions, 141 380 475 412 141, and I was with him since he received this week's letters. 361 142. Possibly the reason may be the absence of the court 109 251 408 468 254 from Paris; 147 306 122 213 346; but it is good making sure on that hand betimes, that the king of France may be engaged as well as the lord protector 42 84 217 534; for you must expect, without all peradventure, that the states general will do as much in 154 25 61 339 this business, as if it were their own war; 49 73 151 162 43 135 468 71 133 112 159 105 487; and if the winds new vour, de Ruyther may be 152 131 263 447 468 136 377 231 in a very little time in the Sound with twelve or fourteen men of 159 41 83 153 416 304 158 war more, and twenty flutes, and 487 384 133 40 207 148 160 41 49 370 72 149 287 four thousand land-men. 474 355 104 33 380. And upon this you may build the Fr.amb. hath some general instructions; 343; and I will go to him this night 393 55 61 146 again, and try how far I can upon them prevayle with him. 15 69 358 500 326. I know I can do much with him. I am,
Right Honourable,
Your most faithful humble servant,
G. Downing.

Hague, Novemb. 19/29. 58.

This week we have news from England, that a small English frigat being encountered by two Dutch men of war, she commanded them to strike; which they refusing to do, they fell to fighting; that most of the men in the said English man of warr were killed in the frigate. This is written hither by the same person, that wrote hither the news of most of your councell's being to be turned out; and scarce a week but that hand writes some malignant story hither, which may not be amiss for you to know.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

I could not rest satisfyed, but have been with the Fr. emb. and though he hath no instructions, yet I have prevayled with him, and to-morrow he will give a memorial with me. But if you intend clearly to carry the k. of France with you, you must let them know you will also be willing to push by itself also with them the peace between the k. of Sweden and k. of Poland, so as that h. of Austria be not included; 26 370 263 38; wherein you will highly content them, for they are much engaged in that affair, both upon the account of that queen, which is a French 493 346 16 47 woman, 106 27 60 158 411 205, and to keep Poland out of the hands of the h. of Austria.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

I have also acquainted Monsieur Appleboon, that the fleet of the lord protector hath 140 set sayle 358. Yesterday it was resolved again forthwith to send the 4000 men to Denmarke.

657, & seq. Comes to consult admiral Montagu. [No record of this reference near this page]
688, 691 Account of the Dutch fleet in those parts. 28 Jun 1659 Mr. Ph. Meadowe to the council of state.

Vol. lxvi. p.117.

Right Honourable,
Since my last of the 14th instant by the ordinary post, I have received one from your honors of the second of the same, brought by Compton; whereby I am impowered to continue in my negotiation betwixt the two kings, as formerly. I return your honors most humble thanks for doeing me the right to judg of me, as in truth I am, faithful to the interests of the commonwealth; and shal make it my earnest endeavour, not onely to acquit myself faithful, but to render myself useful, in whatever trust shal be committed to me.

The time of the three weeks limited by the treatie at the Hague is expired; but no accomodement betwixt the two crownes effected, his majestie of Denmark having possitively refused to enter upon a particular treatie with Sweden; but insists upon comprehension of al his allies in a general peace; so that by the letter of the said treatie his majestie of Denmark is the refuser, and not to be assisted during the refuse. I have remonstrated as much to the Dutch ambassadors, who are at accord with me hereupon, and have wrot accordingly to their admirals. Whither they wil conform or no, I cannot say; for I perceive they act not by concert with their ambassadors. 'Tis feared De Ruyter will goe directly with his fleet for Copenhagen, to put ashoar his 4000 landmen. He and Opdam joined the fifteenth instant in the great Belt, which was five daies sooner then the time limited, according to the interpretation of their own ambassadors, accounting from the notification of the treaty to Opdam. Upon this junction Opdam is admiral, Jan Everrton vice-admiral, De Ruyter rere-admiral, according to the custome of the provinces; first a Hollander, then a Zalander, then a Hollander. Opdam has committed several contraventions to the treatie about five dayes since. He intercepted a smal barque laden from hence with powder and other munition, bound for Funene.

Rixadmiral Wrangel is very strong upon that isle, and in condition to receive the enemie, in case he attempts to land there. Fifteen Swedish men of war set sail lately for the little Belt, to carry the rixadmiral a reinfort of foot. About Eblen they rencontred two Hollanders, who presently upon fight of the Swedish fleet stranded themselves; and one of them set fire to himself. This may possibly beget some dispute, and yet the Swede, as I am certainly informed, never made shot at them, his majestie having given peremptorie orders, not to begin any hostility upon the Dutch.

I am privately informed from Copenhagen, that some overtures have beene made with the Dutch ambassadors there, of a stricter alliance with Denmark; and that the Dane has offered the Dutch Wensussel in the North of Jutland; 'tis thought also Gluckstadt upon the Elve, besides great priviledges in Copenhagen, as to trade and inhabitation, together with two suffrages in the senate. It much imports England to be well assured, whether the states mean and act sincerely in this propounded mediation of peace.

General Montagu is with the fleet about Callinburg, and was three daies since about a league and half from the Dutch fleete, which, accounting some merchant-men, amounted to eighty sail. I dispatched away Compton to him over land with his letters. I expect every day the plenipotentiarys, who, as I am informed, are to come from England, hoping their arrival will facilitate this difficult work. At present we are here at a grand pause upon his majesty of Denmark's refusal of a separate treaty. Here is as yet no French minister in this court; but Mons. de Terlon, who was formerly joint mediator with me on the part of France in the treaty of Roschield, is expected daily from Dantzick. It would not be amiss, that some instruction were given, whether the ministers of England shall yield him presedent.

I find his majesty very much troubled at the advice given him out of England by his ministers, as if some commissioners of the council, upon conference with them, should propound the cession of Drontheim and Bornholm to the Dane; which this king will never condescend to, as long as he has a sword by his side, and a soldier behind him.

No advancement is made in the intended treaty with Poland: the Swedish ambassadors are sitll at Stettin. They have been thses four montsh cal'd up, in expectation of safe conducts in due form; but the Pole still commits one wilfull mistake after another, only to protract time; by which it is easy to collect he has the same aim in his eye with the Dane, viz. A general peace, or a confederate war. 'Tis sayd in the last letter from those parts, that the treaty with the Cossaques is ratified by the dyet at Warsaw; which, if true, is very considerable; and we may expect to hear shortly of a great army in Pruss. This is al at present from

Your Honours most humble and faithful servant,
Ph. Meadowe.

Elsinore, 21. June, 1659.

I have lately drawn upon Mr. Harrington, my correspondent at Hamburg, 250 l. sterling, and have given him for his reimcursement a bill of the first instant, upon the commissioners of the treasury. I humbly beseech your honours to give order for accepting and satisfying the said bill, it being moneys for the necessary service of my publick negotiation. I humbly begg also, that credits may be sent me, with orders upon whom to draw my bills for the future.


Mr. Ph. Meadowe to the council of state.

Vol. lxiv. p. 251.

Right Honourable,
I continue to advise every weeke the state of things from these parts, allbeit I heare of none, that corresponds with me from England on the part of your honours. Le chevalier de Terlon, the French ambassador, he, who formerly signed and sealed together with me the late treaty of Roschield, is lately arrived here from Dantzick; so that now we are only in expectation of the commissioners from England, whose long stay, and my want of necessary orders in the mean time, has caused great retardment to the common affair. I know not, whether upon their arrival I am to be joined in the same commission with them; if not, I hope your honors, in consideration of my long service, wil grant me a favourable recal.

Gen. Mountagu has received the orders for the prolongation of the neutralitie for three weeks longer, but has had much to doe to bring general Opdam to a conformity thereto; yet at last he has engaged himself to observe the third article of their treaty at the Hague, according to the time agreed by M. Nieuport; onely with this restriction, provided he receive not in the mean time other orders from his master. But I feare he wil reckon the time from the notification of the treatie to gen. Mountagu; and according to that account, there are not above seven daies in being, before the last three weeks will be expired, which is a very short time for a very long worke. I have propounded a further prolongation to the Dutch ambassadors heer, for a week or fortnight longer; but I perceive they decline the proposition, and are willing to retain a freedome to act as they see occasion; so that I suppose the 4000 land-men upon the fleet wil be transported to Copenhagen, and some other assistances given before any entrie be made upon the treatie. And yet I find a very good disposition in this court, to give al reasonable content and satisfaction to the states general, not only in according them the Elbing treaty, but in reference also to a peace with Denmark, and the elector of Brandenburg. And because the king of Denmark insists upon the inclusion of his allies, and wil not hearken to a separate treatie, his majestie of Sweden, to demonstrate his readines to a peace, has declared himself willing, as heretofore to a particular treatie with Denmark, so now to an universal treaty, in order to a general peace. The original declaration I send herewith, enclosed as it was delivered me by his majestie's order under his seale.

Opdam with his and the Danish fleet are returned for Copenhagen. De Ruyter continues in the Belt. Gen. Mountagu is returned from before Callinburg to the Sound, and is at present at an anchor betwixt the isle of Huen and Copenhagen. I shal not willingly misrepresent any thing, but my intelligence from Copenhagen much failes me, if the Dutch doe not treat underhand for themselves with that king. This is all at present from

Your Honours
most humble and faithful servant,
Ph. Meadowe.

Elsinore, June 28. 1659.

692 His negotiations retarded by the Dutch 5 Jul 1659 Mr. Ph. Meadowes to the council of state.

Vol. lxv. p. 1.

Right Honorable,
The long stop, which hath been put to my negotiation, through defect of requisite orders, neither having commission nor creditives to the two kings, suitable to a mediation, has been a great obstruction to the intended peace; so that things remaining in silence and without action, I have little at present to communicate to your honors. Three daies since the French ambassador, myself, and the ambassadors of the states general, went from hence half the way to Copenhagen, with intention to meet the other ambassadors of the states residing in the court of Denmark, in order to concert business betwixt us in conformitie to the treatie at the Hague; but they failed to give us the meeting. Whereupon the next day we went to the camp before Copenhagen, with the same purpose; but they stil pretended supposed difficulties, whereby to excuse their not coming out to us: whereby 'tis easy to judg, they in Copenhagen doe not act in al things by concert with their collegues here; and I have reason to think they have received different orders from their superiors.

Notwithstanding his majestie of Denmark has absolutely refused to treat separately with this king, yet the assistance from the states general is nevertheles retarded. Opdam and Bielk the Danish admiral came into the rood before Copenhagen two daies since with 34 men of war. Several merchant-men laden with provisions came along with them. De Ruyter comes in this day with 46 more; so that the 4000 land-men will be speedily disembarqued; and if they have a sufficient number of mariners for manning and equipping some of his majesty of Denmark's great ships, which lie up in port, which I suppose they will have, they wil be in capacitie, being joined together, to put forth to sea, in case of need, with an hundred able men of war. Al that his majesty of Sweden can do, is to retire with his ships into several ports, and so put himself upon the defensive. Gen. Mountagu continues with his fleet in the former port betwixt Huen and Copenhagen.

His majestie of Denmark, when in a weak and low condition, refused a separate treatie with Sweden; which he wil much les consent to now, having received the supply of so considerable a strength. I have often urged upon the Dutch ambassadors the fourth article of the treatie at the Hague, by which they are obliged not to assist him, who shal refuse a just and reasonable peace. Now he, who refuses to treat, as the king of Denmark does, refuses a peace, upon what conditions soever. Al they have to reply upon me is, that that article supposes the three estates to have emploied their utmost diligence and endeavor for an accommodement; which they allege is not yet performed on the part of England and France. The French ambassador is going to Copenhagen within a day or two. I should long since have been there, had I received my creditives from the parlement.

The Austrians and Brandenburgers, about ten daies since, made an attempt upon Funen, but were repulsed with considerable loss. There is an eminent officer amongst them slain; who it is, is not yet certainly known, but supposed to be major-gen. Goltz. Probably the next thing they wil be upon, wil be to transport cavalrie for Copenhagen, and so dispute the campagne upon this isle with his majestie of Sweden, who wil find himself in difficult circumstances, singly to oppose a numerous enemy in so many places. As for a peace, I look upon it as a case almost desperate, the most advantagious opportunities for obtaining it being now past; and our fleet must shortly look homewards, unles timely supplies come out of England. The Hollanders in the mean time wil carry al before them in Denmark, and possibly at last force his majestie of Sweden too upon such conditions, as may be gainful to themselves, but prejudicial to England.

I have long expected the arrival of the commissioners plenipotentiaries. When arrived, I shall readily communicate with them at large the whole state of affairs heer; and then, unles I have power to act with them in the same commission, my longer stay heer wil be wholly useles; and therefore shal wait and hope your honors commands to be recalled to some other emploiment, wherein I may be in capacitie to render myself in some measure serviceable: which is the sole ambition of

Your Honors
most humble and faithful servant,
Ph. Meadowe.

Elsinore, July 5. 1659.

For the right honorable the council of state of the commonwealth of England, &c. humbly theise

708, 727 Begs to be recalled. 28 Jul 1659 Sir Ph. Meadowe to the council of state.

Vol. lxv. p. 255.

Right Honorable,
My last to your honors was from Fredericsberg, of the 19th instant, sent by the post the day after the commissioners plenipotentiarie arrived heer in the Sound; upon advise whereof I immediately removed hither. They have not yet had audience, becaus his majestie of Sweden, being gone for Naskow in Laland before their arrival, returned but yesterday to Fridericsburg, whither the commissioners wil either goe to meet him, or els the king come hither; and I suppose the first audience wil be to-morrow.

I, not being in the same commission with the plenipotentiaries, shal, for the future, have nothing of importance to communicate to your honors; because whatever occurs in the transaction of this weighty busines, you wil have advertisement thereof from better hands. I crave leave therefore to make a humble address to your honors on my own behalf, which I am the more emboldned to doe, as having served the publique both at home and abroad these many years, and that with many hazards and suffrances, wherein my services have never had respect to the particular interests of any person, party, or faction, but have been immediately directed to the publique concernments of the commonwealth, whome I shal be stil ready to serve with my life and fortune to the utmost of my abilitie. That, which with all humble submission I beg of your honors, is the libertie to return for England; which I am induced to ask upon sundry considerations: not long since a small estate in lands besel me in England by the death of an uncle, upon which I have not yet made entry; besides that I am obliged by his will to grant over certain conveiences of annuities, which I am not in capacity to doe, by reason of my absence, and yet in the mean time am obnoxious in law to great penalties upon non-performance.

When I was in Portugal some years since upon publique emploiment, I received there a dangerous wound. The rigour of this clime in the winter-season renews the grief of it, and endangers the loss of one of my hands.

His majestie of Sweden, as he himself lately informed me, and as I advised in my last, intends to pass this winter in Sweden, being urgently recalled thither by his own affairs. It will scarce be possible, and perhaps impertinent or unuseful, for a publique minister to follow him thither. Upon these and other inducements, too long to rehearse, I in al dutiful humilitie refer myself to your honors favor, entreating, that letters revocatory may, at my instant supplication, be sent to the king, with whom I reside, to dispense with my discontinuance from this service, at least for the ensueing winter; and that I may have orders to embarque myself for England by the first opportunity of shipping, which presents from the fleet.

I have already freely and fully communicated with the plenipotentiaries the state of things, as they have passed heer, and as they are at present. And if in any thing I can be useful to the advancement of the publique service, I shall most willingly contribute my utmost thereto. I have already declared as much to them, who, I am confident, will not deny me their testimonies of my readines and integritie.

I hope, before this arrives, order will be given to Mr. Noel to accept of my bill of the 19th instant for 250 l. sterling, which I mentioned in my last. If the bil be protested, it wil be to my disreputation. Mr. Noel has been very backward of late; and yet never publique minister managed his expences with greater frugalitie then I have done. I remain

Your Honors
Most humble and ever faithful servant,
Ph. Meadowe.

Elsinore, July 28th, 1659.


Sir. Ph. Meadowe to the council of state.

Vol. lxv. p. 427.

Right Honourable,
My last to your honors was of the twenty-eighth of the last moneth, sent expres by sea, in which I made it my humble supplication to have libertie to returne for some time into England in reference to my private occasions. I have nothing at present, but with al earnest and submissive instance to renew the same supplication, my longer stay heer being very much to my particular prejudice, and contributes nothing to the publick service. As soon as your honors shal graciously please to grant me leave, and I have advice thereof, which I beg may be by the soonest, I shall, God willing, embarque myself upon the first vessel, that shall be sent from the fleet to England. My lords the plenipotentiaries wil acquaint your honours fully with all publique transactions, to whom I crave leave to refer you, and remain

Your Honors
most humble and faithful servant,
Ph. Meadowe.

Elsinore, August 11. 1659.

743 Prepares for his return. 15 Sep 1659 Mr. Ph. Meadowe to the president of the council of state.

Vol. lxv. p. 617.

My Lord,
I HAVE lately received a letter of the 27th of the last moneth from the right honourable the council of state, signifying their compliance with my desire for my returne home; and that they will take care, that letters of revocation be sent me from the parliament by the first conveniency, I in the mean time to put myself in readiness for my coming away. This so seasonable a favour is a renewed engagement upon me, and I shall ever profess myself obliged to all dutiful resentments thereof. I am now in dayly expectation of the said letters of revocation; and to be in forwardnes for my returne, have discharged al my Dutch and outlandish servants, the which and severall other insident expences have necessitated me to draw a bill of this 13th instant upon Mr. Frost, paiable at 21 daies to Mr. Thomas Ryder of London for 250 l. sterling. This is the 1st bil I have drawne since the 19th of July; and I hope it will be the last from this place, where, I am sure, I have managed my expences with the utmost frugalitie. As for that money ordered me about 3 weeks since by the commissioners heer by a bil upon Mr. Frost, it was for horses, and other things, which I procured them for their service, which partly were my own proper goods, and partly belonged to others, whom I alsoe satisfyed out of the said moneys ordered to me. I humbly beg of your lordship to move the council to order Mr. Frost to accept and satisfye the said bil of the 13th instant. As for that of the 19th of July, I hope 'tis long ere this satisfyed, albeit Mr. Noel, upon whome it was drawne, made scruples concerning it.

For matters of publick transfaction, I humbly crave leave to refer your lordship to the commissioners pacquet, earnestly wishing and expecting to have the opportunitie and honor to make a more ample representation of the state of things heere by word of mouth, then I can by letter; in the mean time and ever remaining

Your Lordship's
most humble and most obedient servant,
Ph. Meadowe.

Elsinore, Septemb. 15th, 1659.

802, & seq. Account of his debts presented to the council of state. 13 Jan 1659 Mr. Ph. Meadowe to the council of state.

Vol. lxvii. p. 8.

I most humbly offerr to the right honourable the council of state the following particular of wages du to sundry of my servants not yet discharged, who have served me through many hazards and suffrances, during my employment in forrein parts for the service of this commonwealth; most humbly beseeching their honors to grant their order for speedy satisfying to me the sum hereafter mentioned, that so I may be capacitated forthwith to dismiss my said servants, whose longer continuance about me wil multiply upon me unnecessary charges.

To Henry Chassant my servant, at the rate of 50 l. per ann. for one year's service 50 0 0
To Edward Billingsley, my steward, at the rate of 40 l. per ann. for two years service and a half 100 0 0
To Ferdinando Kelly, my butler, at the rate of 20 l. per ann. for one year and an half service 30 0 0
To Louys Salley, my page, at the rate of 15 l. per ann. for two years service and an half 37 10 0
To three footmen, at the rate of 12 l. per ann. each for two years and a half service 90 0 0
To a groom, for ten months service, at the rate of twelve pounds per ann. 10 0 0
Sum total, £. 317 10 0

I also most humbly beseech the right honourable the council of state on behalf of myself, that in consideration of my long service in forrein parts, having been the minister of this commonwealth in the courts of three several princes, during which employement I have often exposed my life and health to the publique service, and altogether abandoned my own occasions and services heer at home, to grant me stil the continuation of my salary, it being but the same, which I formerly had from the parlement before the interruption in 1652; as also to grant me the arrears thereof, I being behind for three quarters, before the parlement was restored, and three quarters more since their restitution; which is the whole of my wages and recompense for my so long, painful, and hazardous service.

And I shall remain, as in duty bound,
Your Honors
most humble and most faithful servant,
Ph. Meadowe.

Read and referred 13. Jan. 1659.

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