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Nevill_Barnet_Seal_sm.jpg - 78Kb

The Arms of Warwick the Kingmaker

An exploration of the practices of the College of Arms

In c. 1927 my grandfather obtained from the College of Arms a magnificent set of 64 quarterings of his arms, taken from the records of the College. Central to this arrangement is the quarter of the Kingmaker at No 18 and from whom the remaining 46 quarters are all derived. The purpose of this page is to find what policies they adopted and from these to derive an updated set of quarters for the Kingmaker. The documents received from the College are:

College of Arms Documents
for RCL Powys-Lybbe's
RCLPL_arms_redrawn_arms_v_sm.png - 7Kb RCLPL_pedigree_v_sm.jpg - 3033 bytes CoA_References_v_sm.jpg - 3703 bytes
The Quarterings of Arms
0.3 MBytes
The pedigree of all
the armigers
9 MBytes
The references to the
records in the College
2 MBytes

To download the readable file of each of these, click on each of the three images. Note that the second of these is a very large file for an A2 size drawn image; you will probably need to double the size of the image on your screen to read it, it will enlarge well.

Derive the various modern rules

Click on the items below to see the details of each category of rule:

  1. Obtain the armiger's pedigree and traverse from the person whose quarterings are being studied.
  2. What is a quartering?
  3. Do not include arms where the pedigree was wrong about the family.

Derive the Kingmaker's arms <--- click here